a little about me…

Full transparency, I haven't found it easy to describe my life.

I guess you could say I grew up relatively normal. I was an only child, born and raised in Las Vegas. I played on many sports teams and was student body treasurer in high school. I studied Finance while going to the University of Nevada, Reno for college.

To be honest, most of my past, at least the information we'd quantify on a resume, is irrelevant when it comes to serving you.

People have told me that my skills are something that's hard to put a label on.

For my entire life, I've had friends, family, teachers, coaches, and professors come to me for advice. It's not like I've experienced everything under the sun...

But I've been able to offer them something that doesn't come natural to most.

I'm able to be fully present, meeting them with unconditional love.

I had no idea this was a gift of mine, until people started insisting on paying me for my time. Somehow, someway, when I'm sitting down, being fully present, listening to a client as they speak...

The right words to respond just flow through me.

It's the exact dose of wisdom they needed to receive clarity on whatever has been holding them back. I've seen this work for all different shapes and sizes... I've had young CEOs come to me for clarity around business advice, and then the very next day, speak with a 100-year-old woman about the best way to embrace her inevitable passing.

All I can say is that I feel as if I have a gift.

A gift that I take very seriously.

Now, my entire life has been dedicated to promoting that gift. I write, coach, and speak on complex ideas in personal development and spirituality, and I make them easy and digestible for everyone to understand.

I've built in-person and online communities to guide others toward inner work. This includes the online mindfulness program I created, called Solitude 60, and an in-person weekly event in Austin, Texas called The Men's Circle, where dozens of men from the community gather to discuss and work through life's challenges.

If you feel called to work with me… I’ll see you soon.


When you listen to stories from people who have worked with me (I highly recommend watching the videos, so you can feel their energy!)… you’ll notice they all had a different takeaway from our time together.

This happens because I don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach. I tailor my focus and intention to meet each person where they’re at with no judgment and unconditional love, with the goal of deeply understanding what someone needs to hear, say or do in every moment.


“If you are struggling with clarity, alignment, or figuring out who you are, Cameron is the person to talk to. I have thought about this so many times because I wanted to get this perfect. And I realized that I am not going to get it perfect. But I really want you to understand that every single time I have talked to Cameron, every single time I have had an experience with him, I have gained more clarity in my life, I have gained more alignment. And not only that, but I have gathered profound insight into who I am. And there's no better person to help you gain clarity, gain alignment, and understand who you are than Cameron. He is such an amazing person. And I can't overstate this enough. If you are looking for some type of coaching, this is your guy. I don't care who you are. He has a way of cutting through the BS and asking the right questions to help you gain more clarity. Cameron has done amazing things for me, and every experience with him I feel is very profound. So again, if you're on the fence, I cannot overstate the amount of love I have for Cameron and just the amount of excitement it gives me to even give this testimony of my experiences with him. I once wrote, I just talked to God after having an experience with him because he had such a way of connecting and seeing me for who I really am. And if you want that kind of experience, if you want clarity, if you want alignment, this is your guy, Cameron. I love you so much and I'm so, so thankful and I'll forever be eternally grateful for everything that you've done for me.”

— Luke G.